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How to detect HP SR04XL HSTNN-DB7W HSTNN-IB7Z TPN-Q193 3KS69PA 3KS70PA battery is good or bad?

Because of the HP SR04XL laptop battery, it shows the HP portable laptop features. Of course, we all know that with the use of HP SR04XL laptop batteries have a certain amount of time loss, and sometimes even actually damaged, and then continue to use the computer will bring an additional burden. So today I want to teach you how to detect the HP SR04XL laptop battery consumption, and how to see if the HP SR04XL battery has been damaged, you must not miss it.
Method : Professional testing software BatteryMon
1, Download BatteryMon. BatteryMon is a professional HP SR04XL laptop battery testing software, you can real-time detection of battery charge and discharge conditions, before testing, the need to unplug the power adapter. Open BatteryMon.
2. Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner. You can see the status bar changed from "stopped" to "running" and the number of samplings from "0" to "1" indicates that the software has started to test the SR04XL battery.
3, The interface has a coordinate on the right, the vertical axis indicates the percentage of remaining HP SR04XL battery power, abscissa indicates the HP SR04XL battery life. As time goes on, there will be a slash in the coordinate area, this slash represents the battery charge and discharge situation, the more flat the line, on behalf of the use of longer, and vice versa, the shorter. In the battery data on the left, "Total time" means the maximum amount of time the software can use to test for a fully charged HP SR04XL battery.
HP SR04XL laptop battery
Finally, we will give you a reminder here, HP laptop battery life  has a very large relationship with daily use of the method, in general, the number of HP SR04XL battery charge and discharge is limited, so your frequent use of the HP SR04XL battery will certainly affect the HP SR04XL battery life. I suggest that even if you do not use the battery for a long time, but also to charge and discharge once a month, I hope we can well protect the HP SR04XL battery.


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